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We are well known for our friendly welcome and open invitation to all.

We moved from our original building 9 years ago to a smaller more intimate building.

Our services are 10.30am each Sunday.

We have a Saturday morning coffee morning on the first Saturday of the month which are popular and well supported. Members do attend alongside the wider community.

Thursday mornings are when our craft groups meets, which includes members of wider community. The craft ladies work on a variety of projects including making a nativity scene for Christmas.

There is a Zumba class every Monday evening and various groups hire the hall including The History Group, The Allotment Committee, children's birthday parties and our premises is used for voting purposes.

Twice a year in June and November we hold a Craft exhibition to display the numerous skills which would otherwise be hidden in our community.

We would love to welcome you to our church on a Sunday or at one of our other events.

Cleveland & Danby Methodist Circuit
07483 168607

Hope Church East Cleveland
The Old Co-op Building
High Street
TS13 4HW

Registered Charity No. 1130868

© 2025 – Cleveland and Danby Methodist Circuit