On Saturday December 14th we held our first Christmas Tree Festival. It was a great success with supportfrom local clubs, schools and choirs, ie Danby YFC, Bowling Club, Football, Tennis and Cricket Clubs,Westerdale church/ Chapel, local school and playschool. It was amazing as all had made their owndecorations for their trees. A lot of work, thought and preparation had gone into them. The children weremost excited at showing me which decoration they had made, when they came to decorate their tree. Therewas also a children’s activity table that was well attended, for the children to make their own Christmascards or a woven Christmas tree on card. The Church was open from 10am until 4pm with refreshmentsbeing served all day. It was supported by donations only. The church a live and buzzing all day withpeople enjoying the trees and meeting friends and having a chat over a cuppa.
At 8pm on Christmas Eve we held a Community Carol Service. The Church was packed with people of allages and denominations. The service of Carols and readings carries on unannounced. The readers are alsofrom the community, not just church attendees. Ann Watson led the prayers, Mary Smith on the organwas accompanied by Ella Smith on the flute and Tony O’Donnell on the violin.
The Upper Esk Valley people really came together to share this service and fellowship.
07483 168607
Hope Church East Cleveland
The Old Co-op Building
High Street
TS13 4HW
Registered Charity No. 1130868